Wednesday 7 June 2017


Holland Festival

Holland (the Netherlands) didn't really have a single composer who could be honored by a festival in a specific city or town—such as the Mozart Festival in Salzburg, Austria ( see Salzburg Festival), or Germany's Wagner Festival in Bayreuth. Instead, it was decided in 1947 to have a single festival focused on three major cities—Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and the Hague/Scheveningen—that would cover a wide range of artistic and cultural activities and at the same time draw top international artists to the Netherlands.
Nowadays the festival is centered in Amsterdam and lasts 23 days in June with nearly 150 programs. The festival offers not only performances of orchestral and choral works but opera, ballet, contemporary music, dance, theater, and film as well.
In recent years the Holland Festival has been connected with the Amsterdam Roots Festival, which began in 1998 and also takes place during the month of June, and concentrates on world culture. The 2000 festival featured 65 musical and dance performances from artists from more than 30 nationalities.

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