Apple has a lot of extra cash now but where will it put its money
Apple 's first-quarter earnings announcement had retail investors
buzzing Wednesday morning about the company's $18 billion
profits, the largest ever reported by a public company. Apple's
revenue is equivalent to collecting $10 from every person in the
And the tech giant is hanging on to a lot of that cash. Its massive
reserves of $178 billion are enough to pay every American $556,
which outpaces the next-biggest player, Microsoft, at only $319 in
reserves per U.S. resident.
Here's what else Apple executives could do with the extra funds.
Apple could give $178 to every person living in extreme poverty
in the world this year, enough to fund their $1.25-per-day living
expenses for five months. Or, the Cupertino, California, goliath
could buy every homeless person in America a three-bedroom
house in New Jersey .
And forget the Obamacare debate and rising health care costs.
Apple could pay the average yearly health insurance costs for
almost 32 million Americans.
But we must not leave out the rich and famous; they have bills,
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